Assissi Vidyalayam - Poonthope
Assisi Vidyalaya is a special school for individuals with intellectual disabilities established in the year 1992 in a densely populated coastal town of Alappuzha – Poonthope. The support and guidance of the Directorate of Public Instruction (DPI) Government of Kerala helps to run this home in an effective way. The universally accepted syllabus conceived and developed by the National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped (NIMH) is followed as the curriculum. The children, having scientifically and medically assessed their IQ, age, growth, physical abilities etc. are divided into different groups viz, case group, pre-primary, primary, secondary, pre-vocational and vocational. The classes are focused on academics, behavioural practices and inherent potential development. Considerable time is spent on sports, crafts and arts as well. Parental education, regular health check-up cum improvement assessment, medical and surgical corrections, counselling sessions for parents, extracurricular activities are also included in the programme for which the service of experts are availed from time to time.
Our Mission
We cater to the individual needs of each child through well-trained and committed staff, sophisticated therapy units, tidy premises, and a nurturing family atmosphere.
Our Vision
The holistic development of children with special needs, empowering them to live self-reliant and dignified lives while being happily integrated into their communities.
The universally accepted syllabus conceived and developed by the National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped (NIMH) is followed as the curriculum. The children, having scientifically and medically accessed their IQ, age, growth, physical abilities etc. are divided into different groups viz, case group, pre-primary, primary, secondary, pre-vocational and vocational. Till noon the classes are on academics whereas the full afternoon is devoted to behavioural practices and potency development inherent in the children. Considerable time is spent on sports, crafts, arts etc.. Parental education, regular health check- up cum improvement assessment, medical and surgical corrections is also inbuilt in the program for which the service of experts is availed of from time to time.
- Collection of medical records for each child from medical board comprised of experts.
- Case study and assessment.
- Medical checkup.
- Setting goals and objectives.
- Parents Meeting.
- Parents counselling.
- Awareness sessions for parents and peer groups.
- Speech Therapy.
- Occupational Therapy.
- Vocational Training.
- House visits by teachers.
- Extracurricular activities such as dance, music, indoor and outdoor games, band set, drawing, painting and so on.
Contact Us
Assissi Vidhyalayam For Mentally Challenged
Aryad South,
Alappuzha – 688006,
Kerala, India
PH : +91 8943 115 319
