Community Based Organisations
At CHASS, we believe that sustainable change starts at the grassroots level. Our mission is to uplift communities through collaborative initiatives that foster empowerment, education, and well-being. Community Based Organizations (CBOs) are integral to the operations of our organisation, functioning primarily at the grassroots level. According to CHASS, these CBOs represent various local social service units and grassroots organisations such as Self Help Groups, Mahilasamajams, Farmers Clubs, Joint Liability Groups (JLGs), and Credit Unions. Through the diverse community based activities of CHASS, a great many marginalised rural individuals have been effectively organised through the CBOs. The organisational effort for development includes raising awareness and conducting specific activities aimed at fostering self-reliant development within these communities.
CHASS Local Units
Village level local social service units of CHASS is the apex body of all the grassroot level people’s organizations functioning under the banner of CHASS. The governing body of the CHASS local unit is duly constituted by the elected representatives of all the CBOs functioning under the umbrella of it. There are 165 local units duly affiliated to CHASS.
Self Help Groups
CHASS started promoting SHGs in 1996. The system is functioning well with the same enthusiasm and belongingness in the yesteryears. CHASS supports SHGs for both women and men. Currently, there are a total of 568 women SHGs with 7521 members and 198 men SHGs with 3001 members. Operating at the grassroots level, SHGs mobilize human resources for community development.
Death Fund Scheme
A special program promoted by CHASS for its SHG members for meeting the unexpected expenses of the demise of a family member. The fund distributed is the collective contribution of all the SHG members under CHASS.
Joint Liability Groups (JLG)
CHASS has taken initiatives to form Joint Liability Groups as an effective tool to augment the flow of credit to farmers, especially small, marginal and tenant farmers taking up farm activities. JLGs are groups formed from existing SHG groups. Each JLG comprises 4 to 7 members. There are 195 actively functioning Joint Liability Groups in the operational area of CHASS.
Farmers’ Clubs
We promote Farmers’ Clubs targeting a revived organic, but integrated farming culture. There are 60 farmers clubs actively engaged in organic farming practices in the operational area of CHASS.

New shg formation
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തേക്കുപാറപുരുഷസംഘം.shg മീറ്റിംഗ് നടത്തി
SHG Sangamam
Maveli -SHG anniversary
SHG activity -2
Activities SHG (1)