Income generation and Family Development
Save A Family Plan
CHASS has been collaborating with Save a Family Plan (SAFP) Canada, an international donor agency, for the past 54 years to support the social integration of poor and marginalized families in Kerala. Through this partnership, CHASS has helped thousands of families implement livelihood programmes, manage natural resources, and engage in other developmental activities. They are supported financially for six years with the help of kind hearted international donors. This support is crucial for these families, enabling them to invest in income-generating activities, fund their children’s education, and meet essential needs. This assistance fosters self-reliance, helping families establish micro-enterprises and secure a stable income, contributing to their long-term well-being. Three beneficiaries received Rs 300000 as part of COVID rehabilitation project.
Care a Family
The Care a Family programme, initiated by CHASS, is a locally sponsored initiative aimed at integrating marginalized families into the social mainstream, particularly those without an earning member. This Family Development Programme focuses on the holistic development of partner families by channeling a monthly contribution into income-generating activities, children’s education, and other essential needs that contribute to the families’ sustained well-being for over a six-year period. The programme is fully supported by well-wishers of CHASS within the operational area.
