CHASS | Changanacherry Social Service Society

Water and Sanitation (WATSAN)

Water and Sanitation (WATSAN) programme of CHASS is aimed to ensure permanent drinking water facilities along with proper and safe sanitation to the people living in our operational area with particular mention to the water logged Kuttanad region.

Supply of Water purifier

CHASS assisted several families from Kuttanad region to install household water purifying systems for ensuring good water for cooking and drinking.

Rainwater harvesting tanks

CHASS has embraced and promoted appropriate technology solutions to address the long-standing drinking water issues in Kuttanad. One key initiative has been the widespread adoption of rainwater harvesting using ferrocement tanks to collect water from rooftops, offering a sustainable solution. The program involved consultations with the Centre for Water Resources Development and Management (Government of Kerala), the Central Ground Water Board (Government of India), and the Centre for Earth Science Studies (Government of Kerala).

PAR in well recharging

CHASS has collaborated with the Kerala Social Service Forum on Participatory Action Research (PAR) focused on well recharging in two locations within Kottayam and Alappuzha districts. Water recharging devices were installed near selected wells, allowing rainwater to be channelled and filtered slowly into the wells. Water levels were monitored and recorded monthly for further study and analysis. The findings have been published by KSSF in their booklet on Participatory Action Research (PAR) regarding well recharging.

ECHO Project

Under this project implemented in collaboration with European Union and Caritas India, 500 families from Champakulam, Nedumudy and Kainakary Panchayaths were assisted for WATSAN programmes such as water tanks, water purifiers etc.
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ECO- Water supply 1 (1)
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