CHASS | Changanacherry Social Service Society


Natural resource management (NRM) refers to the sustainable utilization, conservation, and protection of natural resources such as land, water, soil, plants, and animals. It involves the responsible management of these resources to ensure their long-term availability and to meet the needs of current and future generations. As part of our NRM initiative, we have been doing several programmes since the very beginning.

i) Harithabhoomi

Harithabhoomi 2019-22 is an integrated environment protection project initiated by CHASS in its operational area in collaboration with 163 CHASS local units and 60000 families associating with the local units. This project envisages an eco-friendly habitat through the promotion of hygienic villages, organic villages, self-reliant villages, rainwater harvesting, no plastic campaign, energy conservation etc.

ii) Urjakiran Award to CHASS

CHASS received the Urjakiran Award of Kerala Government for the year 2019-20 for its valuable contribution in energy conservation for the three previous years.

iii) Waste Management

As a viable organic alternative for chemical fertilisers and a definite measure of biological disposal of the domestic and farm wastes, various waste management facilities like, biogas plants, pipe composting, terracotta composting, ring compost etc., are promoted and propagated in the operational area of CHASS. Awareness classes with practical sessions, supply of waste disposal/management devices, distribution of IEC materials etc are the major activities undertaken under this programme in collaboration with SHGs, farm clubs, mahilasamajams and CHASS local Units.

iv) Guidline for Enviornment protection

CHASS prepared and published a guideline on Environment Protection to be followed by the parishes, religious institutions, educational & other institutions run by the Archdiocese and the laity.

Other programmes under this initiative are environment day and other special days observation, no to plastic campaigns, mass tree planting, distribution of cotton bags, mass signature campaign and various energy conservation workshops

Energy Conservation day inaguration
A. Haritha Bhoomi - Copy
No to plastic
Environment day 2020 - Copy
Guideline forenvironment protection
Energy Conservation workshop
20161105_154108 - Copy
IMG-20191022-WA0015 - Copy
Urjakiran Award - Copy
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Energy Conservation day inaguration
A. Haritha Bhoomi - Copy
No to plastic
Environment day 2020 - Copy
Guideline forenvironment protection
Energy Conservation workshop
20161105_154108 - Copy
IMG-20191022-WA0015 - Copy
Urjakiran Award - Copy
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