Cooperative Tailoring Centre (COPTAC)
COPTAC, established in 1975, holds the distinction of being the oldest undertaking of CHASS. Situated near CHASS’s administrative office, the centre trains women in tailoring and embroidery under the Kerala Government Technical Examination (KGTE) scheme and undertakes garment production. Each year, 50 girls complete their training at this centre and receive certificates, and the production wing of the centre employs 35 women, providing them with stable employment opportunities.
The production unit has a partnership with the Khadi programme, where the cloth produced under Khadi is tailored into ready-made garments at COPTAC. A distinctive feature of the tailoring work carried out at this centre is the large-scale production of vestments and cassocks, which has earned the institution a reputable name across the country.
In a significant step towards empowering communities through skill development, CHASS started a new branch of its tailoring center at Koothrapally on 17 August 2024. The centre is now a fully fledged tailoring centre with 9 permanent employees. The center also functions as a vocational training centre that provides training in tailoring and other skills like baking to underprivileged women, enabling them to gain economic independence and support their families.
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Ph: 0481-2400085, +91 9995 560 085